7 Best PHP Frameworks for Modern Web Development
In recent days, PHP frameworks have become a great boon to websites and website developers as it allows any complex design, and of any sizes. The percentage of websites built using PHP codes is increasing day by day. This projects the popularity and importance of the PHP language for web development among all languages. Developing…
Redirect non-www to www with Apache and NGINX
i.e. This brief guide shows techniques for achieving the latter and we demonstrate how to achieve this using two common web servers, Apache and NGINX. By “non-www” we refer to the “bare domain”, also known as the “naked domain” or “apex domain”; however, the same technique can be used for redirecting other source domains (e.g.…
Change Your WordPress Login Page Without Plugin
For modifying below all changes you have to write these function and hooks in your active theme’s function.php file. Create one directory called login into your active theme. Here I use login_head wordpress action for append this css to the login page’ssection. I am changing the background image of H1 tag to our custom logo…
7 Useful Firefox Add-ons For Web Developer
Are you a web developer? If yes than you must using the Mozilla Firefox while developing any web application. Firefox is the best browser for developer to develop web application. But it is only the best when you are using add-ons functionality of Firefox. I am a PHP developer and i found that some of…
Change Your WordPress Admin Url Without Plugin
Let’s have a quick walk through regarding changing Admin URL with WordPress. As we all know that WordPress provides us less security compare to other CMS and Frameworks. So, in this case, to protect our website from hackers we need to perform several processes like protecting admin area, give fewer primitives to database etc. If you…